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This minor group includes shippers, receivers, storekeepers, partspersons, production logistics co-ordinators, purchasing and inventory control workers, dispatchers and transportation route and crew schedulers. They are employed by utility, manufacturing, construction, forestry and mining companies; retail, wholesale, commercial, industrial, transportation and other establishments; warehouses, repair shops and hospitals; printing and publishing companies; police, fire and other emergency services; taxi, delivery and courier services; and throughout the public and private sectors.
Shippers and receivers ship, receive and record the movement of parts, supplies, materials, equipment and stock to and from an establishment. They are employed…
Storekeepers and partspersons sort, store and issue parts and supplies for use by the establishment in which they work and for sale to the…
Production logistics co-ordinators co-ordinate and expedite the flow of work and materials within an establishment, prepare work and production schedules and monitor the progress…
Purchasing and inventory control workers process purchasing transactions and maintain inventories of materials, equipment and stock. They are employed by retail and wholesale establishments,…
Dispatchers operate radios and other telecommunication equipment to dispatch emergency vehicles and to co-ordinate the activities of drivers and other personnel. They are employed…
Transportation route and crew schedulers prepare operational and crew schedules for transportation equipment and operating personnel. They are employed by municipal transit commissions, truck,…
We are collecting data to better understand who is looking for work and what kind of opportunities jobseekers are searching for. This data is completely anonymous and non-personally identifiable.
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